Health Fruit

I have struggled to maintain a healthy cholesterol level for nearly two decades. In the weeks leading up to my annual physical, I’m mindful of what I eat, I drink more water, walk at a brisk pace, and follow the suggested recommendations to lower my numbers. The day of my appointment, I pray for good results, and hope that my blood work reflects my efforts. A few days later the nurse calls, and my results are not what I’d hoped for. I tried to strike a balance between healthy food, and the foods I can’t live without, but it hasn’t served me well. By not following the doctors’ advice, I was denying myself the opportunity for wellness, so I decided a lifestyle change was necessary. More physical activity, more healthful food, and less cheating. 


It took discipline to change how I see food; as nourishment, strength, health, and healing for my body. After making a few adjustments, I now enjoy an abundance of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. Following the example of my mother, I created a garden and started growing vegetables and fruit. I was apprehensive about gardening because I hate bugs and couldn’t imagine my hands in the dirt. With the help of some colorful gloves, I have grown to respect dirt. Some of the most beautiful vegetables and fruit have crept up through the rich soil. My day begins with fruit that is rich with vitamins, nutrients, and fiber to sustain me through the day.



Fruit of the Spirit

love,  peace,  joy,  kindness,  goodness,  patience,  gentleness,  faithfulness,  self-control

Galatians 5:22-23



The Fruit of the Spirit, my spiritual health food, sustains me by guiding my thoughts, words, and my actions. Ingesting The Fruit of the Spirit into my heart protects me from a garden variety of spiritual shortcomings. Adding more fruit to my diet, and exercising The Fruit of the Spirit, has been a game changer. My physical health is better, not perfect, but my doctor is not concerned. My spiritual health is not perfect either, but I continually learn and grow, and strive for perfection. Exercising The Fruit of the Spirit enables me to love my neighbor as myself, seek peace and pursue it, find joy in simple things, show kindness to those in need, sprinkle goodness along my path, show patience in challenging situations, express gentleness to those who are struggling, be faithful in all I do, exercise self-control in the midst of temptation. 


We require healthy food and clean water to survive and thrive. The Fruit of the Spirit nourishes us further, strengthening our spiritual health. God has provided a bountiful harvest of fresh fruit, and Fruit of the Spirit to keep our hearts healthy and our spirits full. Enjoy! 



Grace and Peace, 


Teretha Williams











